8 best indoor air purifier plants U.S 2021

how air purifying plants help?

It is expected to face side-effects when living in an energy-efficient modern building. These side-effects arise from the lack-of-air flow which allows indoor air pollution to build up and cause severe health issues like asthma and sick building syndrome. Modern furnishings and synthetic building materials carry more chemicals than expected and 90% of indoor air pollution happens from these chemicals.

The houseplants can absorb toxins placed in enclosed spaces with limited airflow. Indoor pollutants that affect health are Organic compounds, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides. Some modern studies have been done on these oxygen indoor plants.

These indoor plants that clean the air and remove toxins are cost-effective, natural, and therapeutic than most air purifiers because they have less horsepower than air purifiers. They have been proved as a valuable weapon to fight against the rising levels of indoor pollution and also they are known for reducing stress, increasing productivity, and enhancing concentration.

Plants that come to the rescue

so, did you decide to remove harmful toxins from your home? If yes, then look, we have mentioned the 8 best indoor purifier plants that you can add to have a touch of color and clean air in your home.

8 Best Indoor air purifier Plants

Corn Plant – Dracaena Massangeana

these indoor low light plants are perfect for beginners and have the ideal size for shelves, tabletops, sills, and counters for your home or office interior. It grows up to 6’ and requires less water. These are perfect for living rooms, hallways, bedrooms, and offices. These indoor plants make your home beautiful, purify your air, and boost your mood and relieve dryness by increasing the humidity in your rooms.

Spider Plants

Chlorophytum comosum Spider plants grow quickly and are great in hanging baskets, especially in your work environment. They even produce lovely white blossoms. These plants are also good for beginners or forgetful owners because they became the favorite in Victorian-Era households. They are comfortable to care for and stay ideal even in low maintenance. These plants can be put 6” pot measuring 10-12” tall from the bottom of the pot to the top leaves.

Golden pothos – Epipremnum aureum

these plants thrive in many environmental conditions and grow up to 8 feet. It has proven to be a one-stop solution and effective purifier for removing common toxins. They are capable of purifying the air from pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. They can thrive on low light and alleviate eye irritation.

Areca Palms – Chrysalidocarpus lutescens

once it became hard to believe that these plants were an endangered species. This plant type is perennial and is 10-30 ft tall, and 8-15 ft wide. If you decide to grow it outdoors, then it is important to put it into a planting site that has good drainage. Soggy soil will cause root rot of the palm. As a house plant, it requires good care. These plants like bright filtered sunlight and can also tolerate the full sun. They require good bright light exposure from the south or west-facing window. They do fine in 65 to 75 degrees of Fahrenheit indoors or outdoors. High humidity is essential for these areca palms to thrive outdoor while it will adjust with normal indoor humidity.

Chrysanthemums – Chrysanthemum morifolium

Chrysanthemums are considered as best air purifiers around. They can adjust to the outlook of our home environment. These are the most difficult air purifiers to grow. These require well-drained soil and direct sunlight to grow and successfully bloom.

Peace Lily – Spathiphyllum

the glossy green leaves of these plants make them a perfect addition to any room environment especially those with low light. It is better to keep them happy with weekly water and slow-release fertilizer. These easy-care assortments of air purifying plants become a great start for a plant collection. They are 1-4 feet tall from the bottom and are ideal placements for tabletops, and bathrooms. They will make your home look beautiful, purifying your air and relieving dryness by raising the humidity in the room. It is hyper-sensitive to chilling temperatures, so keep the temperature in check and avoid temperatures below 60°F.

Boston Fern – Nephrolepis exaltata

these purifier plants grow best in bright, indirect sunlight or outside in the filtered shade. Water them frequently to keep their soil moist. They are also known as perfect porch plants as they thrive best on indirect sunlight. They make attractive mid-height groundcover in areas with dappled shade. They are 19-70 inches in size. These ferns are hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones.

Aloe Vera – A. barbadensis miller

these are not only popular for their anti-inflammatory properties, repairing wounds, and helping with sunburns but are also a great air purifier. They are short-stemmed growing to 60-100 cm in height, spreading their offsets, and have thick and fleshy leaves of color green or grey. It contains some important biochemicals such as acetylated mannans, anthraquinone-C glycosides, and emodins which aid further bio-activity and air purification. It does best in temperatures between 55°-80°F. They tend to bloom in late winter or early spring, so give them a period of rest and keep them under cooling temperature.


we have suggested the 8 best indoor air purifier plants by which you can make a substantial difference to the quality of your air in your room or workspace. It is better to use a large number of house plants that will work together to purify your air at your home. Houseplants have become effective and taken a place as an interior design trend.

To give your home a breath of fresh air, consider buying the best purifier plants and keep them at your place.

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